I-RAFT Financial Coaching

I-RAFT Financial Coaching

I-RAFT Financial Coaching

UK Financial Coaching community services are provided by UK student interns who are in the Family Financial Counseling (FFC) undergraduate program at the University of Kentucky. Our interns are supervised by Accredited Financial Counselor(s)® within UK’s FFC Faculty. The FFC undergraduate program is an accredited, Registered Education Program by the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE)®, which is the highest standard of excellence in the field of financial counseling and education.

Supervised financial coaching services are designed to prepare the student for involvement in the practice of financial counseling, financial advising, financial planning and financial coaching in their future careers, post-graduation. UK Financial Coaches provide direct assistance, under supervision, to students and members of the community seeking financial assistance and as a consultant to I-RAFT Clinic therapeutic services for the benefit of their clients. UK Financial coaching services are provided and are open to all UK students and community members across the Commonwealth and beyond. UK Financial Coaching services are provided at no cost and available through virtual or in-person meetings in the I-RAFT Clinic.

Our Services

UK Financial Coaching services empower individuals, couples and families to increase their financial well-being through implementing sound financial management plans that meet the client where they are. Our UK Financial Coaches can help clients build financial literacy and increase financial capability, find solutions to a variety of financial questions and concerns, improve financial management behaviors, and address significant personal and family financial areas, such as (but not limited to):

  • Setting financial and life planning goals
  • Developing and implementing a financial plan
  • Understanding spending habits
  • Creating and implementing a budget and/or spending plan
  • Developing balance sheets
  • Understanding and building good credit
  • Managing savings and checking accounts
  • Building an emergency fund
  • Understanding salary and job benefit options
  • Completing cost of living calculations
  • Understanding housing and/or rent options
  • Making large purchases, such as understanding home or car buying processes
  • Understanding income taxes
  • Managing debt and/or consumer loans (housing, auto, student and/or personal)
  • Understanding insurance options (health, home, renters, auto and/or life insurance)
  • Understanding investment fundamentals
  • Providing investment considerations and knowledge about different investment options
  • Preparing and planning for retirement (even if it is 40+ years from now or you are already retired)
  • Providing estate planning considerations
  • Preparing for family financial planning or having a child
  • Building children’s financial literacy and financial socialization practices
  • Learning how to effectively communicate about money with family and/or partners
  • Managing financial stress and anxiety
  • Understanding how values, histories and experiences shape one’s money behaviors

Ready to Get Help?

UK Financial Coaches seek to provide a holistic approach to financial coaching services through understanding and addressing the behavioral, cognitive, emotional and relational components of money in your life. UK Financial Coaches may provide services to address specific client financial issues and/or questions depending on the needs and desires of the client(s). Alternatively, UK Financial Coaches also provide a standardized, 10-session comprehensive personal and family financial plan assessing the client’s current financial situation, providing financial education as appropriate, and providing options for how to improve and better manage the client’s finances in relation to their financial and life goals to improve overall financial well-being.

Due to federal, state and local legal & licensing constraints, UK Financial Coaches do not provide specific financial advice regarding the selection of banking institutions, financial services and/or products to utilize (e.g., specific insurance products), or the selection of investments. UK Financial Coaches also do not write legal documents and do not engage in court mandated services, proceedings or legal mediation. Financial Coaches do not take commissions, sell services and/or products, or provide brokerage services. UK Financial Coaches do not file for bankruptcy but can help with debt management and credit counseling as preliminary processes. UK Financial Coaches will help build appropriate financial literacy so that clients may make informed decisions on their own, while weighing the pros and cons as applicable to their financial plan. UK Financial Coaches work under a fiduciary standard, meaning they are required to act and provide financial advice in the client’s best interests.

Periodically, UK Financial Coaches will provide open group, community and/or student financial education and empowerment workshops to promote financial well-being. All financial coaching and financial well-being services are at no cost. Details and further information, as well as dates and times, will be provided on the I-RAFT Clinic website when offered.

Complete the Confidential Self-Referral Form for Financial Coaching

Contact Information

Patricia Dyk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair

314 Funkhouser Building Lexington, KY 40506-0054
